What makes black swan rated r

Critics like the documentary filmmaker Kirby Dick say the composition of the MPAA has caused it to treat studio films more leniently than it does independent movies. Cianfrance and a Weinstein Co. Steven Zeitchik is a former Los Angeles Times staff writer who covered film and the larger world of Hollywood for the paper from to , exploring the personalities, issues, content and consequences of both the creative and business and, increasingly, digital aspects of our screen entertainment.

He previously covered entertainment beats at Variety and the Hollywood Reporter, has contributed arts and culture pieces to the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the New York Times and has done journalistic tours of duty in Jerusalem and Berlin. While at The Times he has also reported stories in cities ranging from Cairo to Krakow, though Hollywood can still seem like the most exotic destination of all.

All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. Black Swan is a psychological thriller about Nina, a fragile yet highly competitive ballet dancer from New York. After the veteran star of the ballet company is forced into retirement, Nina lands her dream role in Swan Lake. The ballet director Tomas is charmingly sly and absorbed by Nina's innocence as Odette, the white swan, but feels she lacks the seductive heat required as Odette's alter ego, the black swan.

Nina begins to crumble under this professional pressure. Her life is tense professionally, and personally, with her controlling mother, an ex-ballerina, watching her every move at home. As the pressure on Nina mounts, the line between reality and Nina's delusions blur. She becomes obsessive and paranoid and suffers from psychotic hallucinations. When a film is submitted on 35mm or digital print, it is screened in a cinema and viewed by a group from the Classification Office usually made up of the Chief Censor, the Deputy Chief Censor, Senior Classification Officers and a Classification Officer.

It is viewed by a group because we can't rewind or re-watch parts of a film in this format. The Classification Officer notes down plot points and content in the film as it is viewed.

These notes form the basis of the classification decision-making process. During the examination of a publication, Classification Officers weigh up what is presented in the publication against the criteria in section B of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act The criteria must be used to determine what classification a publication should have. The classification criteria. The film was later rated 18 after cuts.

Another film, The Bunny Game - in which a truck driver abducts and sexually abuses and tortures a prostitute - was refused a certificate. Partly as a result of these and other films, the BBFC said it had commissioned "a major new piece of original research into depictions of sadistic, sexual and sexualised violence" to determine public attitudes.

The last piece of research in this area was carried out in The US censor, by comparison, was "more squeamish about sex than we are than but prepared to tolerate stronger violence", he went on. Mr Cooke also said that the BBFC was supporting proposals for an adjustment to the Video Recordings Act which would no longer exempt from classification some music videos and documentaries containing material "potentially harmful to children".

The BBFC is celebrating its centenary in , with a book charting years of classification scheduled for the autumn. UK film board's top man retires. Ken Loach bemoans censors' cuts. Hunger Games cut for 12A rating.


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