Andrews J. Institute of Geological Sciences, Report , pp. Google Scholar. B81, — Acta 53, — CrossRef Google Scholar. Bertin C. Cecil L. Gundersen and R. Wanty, pp. Smoley, Boca Raton, Florida. Chen C. Graves, pp. Lewis, Chelsea, Mich. Davis N. Durrance E. Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, pp. Fleischer R. Acta 46, — Acta 47, — B , — Folger P. Ground Water 34 2 , — Genereux D. Water Resour. Hahn O.
Hall F. Hoehn E. Hunkeler D. Kapustin O. Key R. King P. Although high concentrations of radon in groundwater may contribute to radon exposure through ingestion, the inhalation of radon released from water is usually more important.
Exhalation of radon from ordinary rock and soils and from radon-rich water can cause significant radon concentrations in tunnels, power stations, caves, public baths, and spas. The average radon concentrations in houses are generally much lower than the average radon concentrations in underground ore mines.
Workers are exposed to radon in several occupations. Underground uranium miners are exposed to the highest levels of radon and its decay products. Other underground workers and certain mineral processing workers may also be exposed to significant levels.
There are no immediate symptoms that will alert you to the presence of radon. It typically takes years of exposure before any problems surface.
Radon is a national environmental health problem. Elevated radon levels have been discovered in every state. The US EPA estimates that as many as 8 million homes throughout the country have elevated levels of radon. Current state surveys show that 1 home in 5 has elevated radon levels. In fact, many U. Radon Fact Sheet What it is, how it affects us, why it matters.
Fact Sheet The U. What is radon? Inhaled alongside radon, these solid radioisotopes emit radiation which can severely affect sensitive cells, such as those in the lungs. A good ventilation system significantly reduces the lprobability of high concentrations of radon.
Over the last few years, regulations about building construction work have been put in place to limit the possible risks of exposure. Access to page in french. EN FR. The risk it poses varies dramatically with conditions of ventilation. Radon is a heavy gas that has the tendency to accumulate at the bottom of valleys, in holes and caves.
Released by rocks containing uranium, radon escapes from granite and volcanic rocks and can especially be found inside uranium mines.