If you find this interesting, you should definitely watch Avatar: it really explores the implications of this very well. This is a very hard question to answer for it is creatively open. It all depends on what your end goal is. We can rationalize and explain almost anything given constraints and where you want to end up. Since history is written by the victors it all depends on which culture is dominant at the end of the turmoil turmoil is caused by the sudden inexplicable introduction of these powers into the world.
Was this society bent on purging the world of this demonic infestation. Then people today might still view them as vile and that powers should never be used and if used could cause imprisonment.
Alternatively if the victor is one that embraced these powers given down by [insert god s ] then a religiously ruled future with people with power in charge is what you might get. If two great powers of opposing view points stay in power after the turmoil you might get a perpetual cold war.
Because this is so flexible you can rationalize that our current world exists only with few alterations. Most laws are there because of consequences caused by actions not so much the actions themselves. It is illegal to kill someone either by punching them to hard or by Hadouken. How you kill them only matters to your court case. You can't fly things near an airport Culturally your adding a new "medium" don't know if this is the correct word.
Other parts of your culture would use it as flair pyrotechnics at a concert. Essentially it would not be any different then any other "mediums" hockey, dressage, Formula 1, Painting, architecture If you rework your question with more specifics as to what conditions you want for your story we can help with a more targeted history to help you end there. Between BC and modern times we have enough story telling time to mold your world to what ever your desires are.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Culture and law if humans evolved with the ability to manipulate the four classical elements to an extent?
Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. Active 2 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 7k times. Improve this question. Specify exactly what you mean. Do you want cultural effects or scientific effects or what? Let's say culture and law the two tie closely together anyway.
It would be better to take what you have here and then look at the societies that existed back then. Then, speculate how things would have changed. The first culture that figured this out probably goes on to dominate the known world unless they botched it and someone else took it over. So figure out what that society was and start figuring out how it would evolve differently.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Culture I think that in ancient times top Makers would become Kings or priests and their fame would grow and distort over the years until they had powers far greater than they really had attributed to them. On the extreme side, Gravitybending could be employed to pull airborne objects towards the earth, such as airships or flying Airbenders, and the most talented practitioners might even be capable of generating a micro black hole.
With all the advancement in technology that has happened between the show and its sequel, the invention of plastics is either on the horizon or has happened by now. Being a completely new material, Plasticbending would likewise be in its infancy at first. However, it shouldn't be long before enough people are born with the ability to form a society around it, as the four main bending disciplines have.
A Plasticbender can probably exploit the innumerable instances of plastic used in daily life, including bags, automobiles, electrical devices, and so on. On a different note, they could stretch their own bodies as if made of elastic. It's surprising that Woodbending isn't already a thing in the narrative, given that wood is part of the Wuxing , or the five elements commonly referred to in Chinese philosophy which has had a massive influence on the worldbuilding process.
Besides, this substance is commonplace, be it in living form or structural frameworks: the fact is that most houses are built from wood, not to mention all the paper obtained from its pulp.
In addition to accessibility, this version of bending can be modified in quite a few ways, making it versatile. As a subsidiary of Airbending, because it's all about air vibrations and their movements, Soundbending might not be very powerful, but there is no doubt that it has its uses. For example, if one wanted to eavesdrop on a conversation taking place a great distance away, they would merely have to redirect the sound waves from the specified location to their ears.
Similarly, Soundbenders could throw their voices, like ventriloquists, but with a lot more precision and elegance, so as to avoid detection or confuse the target. The concept of nuclear physics is presently undiscovered, but it's only a matter of time before an Einstein or an Oppenheimer emerges to introduce society to the wonders and destruction of radioactivity. In terms of practicality, Radiationbending is applicable in the fields of power generation, as in the real world, because of the relative safety of its use and its superior efficiency.
The problem is that radioactivity is unnecessarily harmful to living beings, even if Radiationbenders are immune to its negative impact, so a lot of precautions would need to be taken. Not to mention the potential dangers of the inevitable atomic bomb. On the sea or ocean, one can be used to create giant maelstroms, and profound experts of hydrokinetic subtlety can even use the water in their opponent's bodies. It is also very convenient for the slow wearing down of highly resistant obstacles.
Ice Manipulation is typically associated with Water Manipulation. Typical associated drawbacks include the necessity of source material for higher power levels, the hydration level of the user and the purity of the water in use by the character, or the reaction with sound waves or chemicals like Potassium and Francium.
Air manipulation Aerokinesis is the power to mentally control air molecules with one's mind. This can include bursts of winds, spawning tornadoes, and even siphoning the air out of an opponent's lungs.
Can generate breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes. Manipulation of vacuum and sound is also a common use for experienced Aerokinetics, and so is acute sensing for air displacement. Typically associated drawbacks consist of the necessity for open spaces and the difficulty for fine control since wind requires constant movement Applications:. Fire manipulation Pyrokinesis is the power to generate, control, manipulate, project or absorb fire.
The user can create, control and manipulate fire, flame and heat at will and mold it into a variety of shapes and forms. They are able to excite atoms with enough energy to ignite, thus generating flames without being harmed. Experienced pyrokinetics may learn how to use heat rather than combustion, and perform things such as freezing objects by withdrawing heat, or manipulate magnetism, and electro-conductivity causing machines to harmlessly shut down, or for batteries to last longer.
Some can also create other forms of plasma. Typically associated drawbacks are the lack of immunity to fire, and necessity for fuel and oxygen. Sub-power of Fire manipulation. Hellfire manipulation is an extremely powerful variant of fire manipulation that allows the user to manipulate flames of Hell, which are usually inextinguishable by normal means.
The flames are also far more intense than normal flames, and can incinerate anything, and even smother normal fire and evaporate water. The color of the flames can come in different colors, but are usually red or black to represent the darkness of hell. This type of fire is very hard to control and many users can only produce or suppress it.
This type of fire is often associated with magic and sometimes used for summoning. Electricity manipulation is the ability to control or manipulate electricity and lightning. Users are able to alter the movement of electrons, allowing them almost any electricity based power.
Simple powers would include the ability to generate energy, shoot lightning, or overload a circuit. More complex powers may include manipulating energy in a person, starting fires, directing current in a more complex route than the one of least resistance, firing sparks to turn off electrical devices, or electric constructs, etc. Electricity users are unique in that their destructive power is conducted through objects rather than being blocked by them.
Magnopathy and Static are typically associated with this element. Many people with this power can short circuit in water and are useless against those who have ways of insulating them. Ice manipulation Cyrokinesis is the ability to control kinetic energy in order to negate heat or to manipulate, or create, ice, snow, sleet, or hail.
The user psychically reduces the kinetic energy of atoms to reduce temperature. Some can generate snow by affecting air molecules and their surrounding moisture. Due to the amount of water on Earth, they have a virtually unlimited supply of moisture since it is always present in the surrounding air or environment. Typically associated drawbacks are low tolerances to environmental heat or locations with a lot less air moisture, which is typically specified by the plot, since the Elemental Baggage Trope comes into effect.
Sub-power of Ice manipulation.