What is thought to be the cause of ios volcanoes

The second, Loki, can be seen on the terminator where the volcanic cloud is catching the rays of the rising sun. This is the same image in which Linda A. Morabito, a JPL engineer, discovered the first extraterrestrial volcanic eruption. But Io's volcanoes can reach 3, F 1, C.

Io is often referred to as a celestial body of fire and ice. He actually discovered the moon the day prior, but could not differentiate between Io and Europa, another Jupiter moon, until the next night. The discovery, along with three other Jovian moons, was the first time a moon was discovered orbiting a planet other than Earth.

Galileo's discovery eventually led to the understanding that planets orbit the sun, instead of our solar system revolving around Earth. Galileo first referred to this moon as Jupiter I. In the mids, the moon was renamed Io.

Zeus the counterpart for the Roman god Jupiter fell in love with her, but turned her into a cow to avoid being caught with her by his wife, Hera or Juno. Several spacecraft have flown by Jupiter and its moons. Pioneer 10 arrived first, in , followed by Pioneer 11 in Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 returned striking photos during their flybys. The Galileo spacecraft passed as low as miles km over the surfaces of the Galilean moons and produced detailed images.

The interior of Io is composed of an iron or iron sulfide core and a brown silicate outer layer, giving the planet a splotchy orange, yellow, black, red, and white appearance. Based on data from scientific computer models, Io formed in a region around Jupiter where water ice was plentiful. Io's heat, combined with the possibility that there was water on Io shortly after it was formed, could have made life possible, although Jupiter's radiation would have removed the water from the surface.

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Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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