What is the difference between ultrasonic and radar level transmitters

The different working principles result in a big difference between the applications of Radar level transmitters and Ultrasonic level transmitters. It is specifically manifested in the following aspects:. The temperature at the probe of the Ultrasonic level transmitter generally cannot exceed 80 degrees, and the speed of the sound wave is greatly affected by temperature. Ultrasonic level transmitter is greatly affected by pressure, generally within 0. Because sound waves are generated by vibration, the sound-producing parts will be affected when the pressure is too high.

In contrast, because the radar is an electromagnetic wave, it is not affected by vacuum. The applicable range of medium-temperature and pressure is also very wide. With the advent of high-frequency radar. Its application range is even wider. Under the same conditions, the Ultrasonic level transmitter is more limited.

However, whether it is a Radar level transmitter or an ultrasonic level transmitter, you must pay attention to the installation location and blind spots during the installation process. For example, when installing on the tank, do not install it near the feed inlet and the human ladder.

At the same time, keep a distance of to mm from the tank wall to prevent echo interference. When there is agitation and the liquid level fluctuates greatly, a suitable installation method should also be selected.

Request a Quote. Your email address will not be published. Ultrasonic level transmitter VS Radar level transmitter. Home » Level Measurement Solutions » Ultrasonic level transmitter VS Radar level transmitter Radar level transmitter and Ultrasonic level transmitter are both liquid level measuring instruments.

Get a Quote. More Level Sensors. ULTA Ultrasonic fuel tank level sensor. Portable Ultrasonic Liquid Level Indicator. The laser level transmitter is a non-contact level gauge. The product is powerful, sturdy and durable. Unlike radar level transmitters, ultrasonic level transmitters use a non-contact level measurement technique. The transmitter uses a piezo-electric transducer to emit mechanical waves.

They operate by sending a sound wave to the process media that is being measured. A precise level measurement depends on the signal from the process media to the transducer. However, there are various factors that can affect the returning signals including heavy vapors, surface turbulence, dust, tank obstructions, and many more. Therefore, it is important to consider the characteristics of sound when using ultrasonic level measurement. The following are some important differences between two-level measurement transmitters:.

Now that the difference between radar transmitters and ultrasonic transmitters is known, you can choose the appropriate one for your application. You should source them from a trusted manufacturer or supplier like The Transmitter Shop.

Over the years, the company offers high-quality and performance-driven level transmitters. Radar Level Transmitter Vs Ultrasonic Level Transmitter — Know the Real Difference Brian Craig January 13, Level measurement is essential in several process applications to keep track of the fluid level in a process in terms of volume or weight. What is Radar Level Transmitter? What is Ultrasonic Level Transmitter? The following are some important differences between two-level measurement transmitters: Environmental Conditions: Ultrasonic transmitters should be mounted in a predictable environment.

This is because dust, humidity, and other physical parameters may contaminate and affect the accuracy of the reflected signal. On the other hand, radar transmitters work well even in a dusty and overall harsh industrial environment. Ultrasonic accuracy is not as good as radar level sensor.

Radar level transmitters are more expensive than ultrasonic level transmitters. When using radar level meter, we should consider the dielectric constant of the medium. Ultrasonic level probe should not be used in vacuum environment, steam environment or there is foam in the liquid surface. Click below More technical specfication information about Ultrasonic level sensor and Radar level meter Ultrasonic level meter Radar Level meter.

Magnetic flow meters-history, advantages and limitations. Liquid mass flow meter-Coriolis flow meter. Air Flow Meters Applications. Hydraulic structures primary devices - flumes and weirs. Ultrasonic Level meter and Radar level Meter Comparison. Different Measurement Principles The radar level transmitter is based on the dielectric constant of the substance being measured.

Different transmitting waves The radar level gauge emits electromagnetic waves, which does not require a medium to transfer, and ultrasonic level sensor emits waves which are sound waves, which are mechanical waves that require the medium to be transmitted. Operation Pressure Ultrasonic waves are emitted by the vibration of piezoelectric materials, so it is not possible to use them in high pressure or negative pressure applications, the max pressure ultrasonic level meter can bear is 3 Bar.


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