This condition is baptism. Though the subject is not complex in the Bible, much time and space could be used in covering it because so much error has been spread concerning it. Yet, we will make effort to keep our observations brief. The question is, what did it mean when the word was used in the original scriptures? In short, the Greek word that is translated baptism means to immerse.
In old Greek writings, one could read of a ship sinking and the word that is translated baptized was used. This being the case, that which people call modes of baptism, such as sprinkling and pouring, are not what baptism is in the word of God. Secondly, note that there is more than one baptism found in the word of God. However, note he used the plural word, baptisms.
John spoke of three in two verses. He spoke of his baptism, the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the baptism of fire Matt. Concerning the baptism or immersion in the Holy Ghost, we find it further spoken of when Jesus tells his apostle a number of times that He would send the Holy Spirit upon them John ; ; and we find the fulfillment of that in Acts Acts Grow in faith and enjoy new friends in Christ by becoming a part of His church and attending the Bible Study Class the church has just for you.
To join this church, contact Matt Hill here or call Baptism is an act of loving obedience to the explicit command of our Lord. Christ commanded His disciples to be baptized. WHO should be baptized? Baptism is only for those who have made a personal declaration of faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. WHERE is it done? Baptism at First Baptist Forney is typically during a worship service.
Fellow Christians should publicly baptize new believers in front of other followers of Christ wherever they gather. Our baptismal area is located in the Mall. Family members gather around and the baptism is video fed to the Worship Center. HOW is baptism done? It is done by immersion, being covered by or submerged in water.
The Greek word for baptism baptizo means " to immerse. That is why it does not matter whether or not he believed what we must believe, and for the same reason it does not matter whether or not he was baptized. How he was saved is irrelevant to how we are saved. Until Jesus died, the Jews lived under the laws given at Mt.
Sinai through Moses. When He died, those laws ceased to be in effect. It is under this new testament that we are saved by Jesus' death. As with any will or testament, Jesus had to die to bring His testament into force.
The old law was in effect until Jesus died, then it was replaced by the New Covenant. But the thief was forgiven before Jesus died and therefore while the first covenant was in effect. The conditions he had to meet to be forgiven prove nothing about the conditions under which we are forgiven. He proves no more about how we should be saved than does David, Moses, Noah, or Abraham. They did not have to believe what we do nor did they have to be baptized because they did not live under the same law we do.
While Jesus was on earth, He had the power to forgive people directly as He chose. After His death, people can be saved only according to the terms of His will. During His life, Jesus directly spoke the forgiveness of several people Mark ; Luke ,49; cf. John Apparently the thief is another such case. But the conditions under which He forgave people then are not the terms of the gospel since, as shown above, it was not yet in effect.
During his lifetime, a man may distribute his possessions to anyone he wishes in any way he wishes. But after his death, no one has any right to receive anything from the man except according to the terms of his will or testament. The will does not come into effect till He dies. So Jesus directly forgave people during His lifetime apparently according to His ability to read their hearts and observe their lives. The gospel came into effect after He died, and people today receive forgiveness only by complying with its terms.
Those terms require baptism, as well as faith, as per verses already listed. Jesus is the Lord and Savior. Only He has the right to announce the terms under which He will forgive men. If we seek His forgiveness, it must be according to the conditions He has revealed. When you are baptized the original sin that you were born with is washed away Gen and Psalm Being saved, usually refers to the point of belief in Jesus Christ and the Power of the Cross.
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Seems to me that some Christians are ignoring the clear word of God in this particular instance, and relying on traditions of men who obviously did not study scripture enough.
We Catholics believe in the Entire Bible. Being "saved" is normally an "evangelical" emphasis. For many other Christians, it is through baptism that a person becomes a part of the household of faith and a member of the Church of God. In many Evangelical churches, "faith" preceeds baptism, and the act of baptism latter is just a symbolic affirmation of faith. For others like Catholics, Lutherans, and Orthodox, it is a sacramental grace through which God creates a "new being" and the convert is buried with Christ in the waters of Baptism and raised with him in newness of life.