Edited by Alan John. Jake "the Snake" Roberts. Sort by: Most popular Recent Most upvotes. Login to post your comment. Show More Comments. No thanks Delete. Cancel Update. Login to reply. Cancel Reply. Contact Us. GDPR Compliance. Writer Awards. Tech Blog. I did not know it. He raped his other daughter. Thankfully, the pro wrestling legend finally has his life together and is thriving in his role in AEW. Home Sports. I remember when Alice and I were riding to the ring in that little cart and I looked over to see him gasping for air.
He told me it was too much of a rush. He couldn't handle it," Jake continued. It was an amazing night, and I'm very proud of it. Nobody can ever take that away from me. When Jake wasn't being accompanied to the ring by rock stars, he was accompanied by a snake. There have been several memorable snakes at Jake's side over the years, Damien and Lucifer to name a couple, but Jake remembers one snake that never saw the bright lights of a WWE arena.
I was teaming with Hulk Hogan and Demolition," said Roberts. Jake continued, laughing as he began to describe the scene backstage at the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago.
He told me it would be no problem. So we get to the arena, and Vince asks to see the snake. The handler points over to this wood crate that is 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide," Jake recalls. The head is as wide as my waist, and the thing could swallow a human whole. The handler was having a hell of a time just keeping it contained.
Vince took one look at it and called it off right on the spot. Since then, Jake's life has taken him in several different directions. Today though, he lives comfortably in Gainesville, Fla.