It works for me couple months ago. Feb 2, Didn't we have this exact same conversation about two days ago?? NO, it will not "work" from the moment you get into your car; at that moment you will only have had your exam scored ONCE: if your first score and second score match, then you will think 'it worked' right then There are people who find that their second score is different from their first I'm sorry, you are quite mistaken.
One hour after your exam all you know is what the first score was, NOT the final one. And for enough people that it's worth discussing, they are NOT the same.
The reason you think "it worked for me" is because your second score was the same as your first; you didn't do it correctly but didn't know any better, so In the other thread about PVT I feel like I read many people talk about the "bad" pop-up before the 24 hour mark and then ended up passing. Has anyone gotten the "good" pop-up before the 24 hour mark after only the first scoring and then end up failing after the second scoring is done?
I've read one poster admit this. Found out via quick results as celebrating and confirmed by BoN. Suspect most won't admit to this if posted success first due to embarrassment. The questions are asked in various formats ranging from MCQs to filling the blanks.
The trainee who has gained sufficient knowledge about all the fields of study in nursing science can quickly go through this examination.
The difficulty level of the test goes on increasing as the trainee starts answering the questions efficiently within a short time. The questions are mainly set to suit the needs of providing the best services to the client. NCLEX is a very tough exam, and the duration of the exam highlights the same. It is six hours long and tests all the skills of the candidate.
In the NCLEX examination, the questions related to management and safety form about one-fourth of the total number of questions. The subtopics under this topic include concepts of management and care, client rights, improvement of quality of services, legal permissions and duties, the establishment of priorities, etc.
These are the essential nursing topics that are generally known to all trainees. One should have a proper foundation of these essential topics. The level of questions keeps getting tougher until one fails. Proper preparation can only help one passing through the examination process.
Thank you so much! Does it matter that I put in the wrong credit information? Jul 17, I would say u passed! It won't feel real though until u see the words!! Jul 18, The error you get is just based on a flag in a database that can be based on any number of different things. But regardless, if you passed, you can't do anything until you get your license. If you failed, you can't retest for about a month.
Stop worrying so much about the results.