Why does camel meat break wudu

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Can water be sprinkled on it and then salah be made? My Question is that. Now a days Most of the bothroom are combined. Now when we making ablution in this bothroom then we will recite the quran's Ayah wich is necessary to be recited when making ablution. Brother, Due to baldness, I am wearing wig artificial hair before wearing the wig I do wadoh at morning then wear the wig.

In case I need to do wadoh again how I do? Can I perform masah wadoh part upper the wig. There are several reports which serve as evidence daleel for this:. The hadeeth of Jaabir: the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him was asked, Should I do wudoo after eating camel meat? He said, Yes. The person said: Should I do wudoo after eating mutton?

He said, If you wish. The hadeeth of al-Baraa: the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him was asked about eating camel meat. He said, Do wudoo after eating it. He was asked about mutton, and he said, Do not do wudoo. The view of those who do not regard it as obligatory to do wudoo after eating camel meat is based on several points, such as:.

The hadeeth of Jaabir; the last of the two commands from the Messenger of Allaah peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him was that there was no need to do wudoo after eating food that had been touched by fire. But this does not refute the specific meaning of the hadeeth quoted above from Saheeh Muslim.

Moreover, there is no evidence here of anything being abrogated, because they asked whether they should do wudoo after eating mutton, and he said, If you wish.

If this hadeeth were abrogated, the ruling on mutton would also be abrogated. The fact that he said, If you wish indicates that these ahaadeeth came after the hadeeth of Jaabir. In cases of abrogation there must be evidence that what is being abrogated came first chronologically, and there is no such evidence here.

Moreover, the hadeeth of abrogation is general in meaning, but this hadeeth about camel meat is more specific, and thus excludes camel meat from the general ruling. The fact that he also asked about mutton makes it clear that the issue here is not whether the meat has been touched by fire; if that were the case then camel meat and mutton would be regarded in the same way.

B They also take their evidence from the hadeeth, Wudoo has to do with what comes out, not what goes in. It a weak hadeeth with three faults ilal ; for more information see al-Silsilah al-Daeefah, Even if it were saheeh for the sake of argument it is general in meaning, and the hadeeth which says that wudoo is obligatory after eating camel meat is specific.

C Some of them said that what is meant by the phrase do wudoo [perform ablution] after eating it is to wash the hands and mouth, because camel meat has an unpleasant odour and is very greasy, unlike mutton!

This is unlikely, because the apparent meaning here is wudoo as prescribed in shareeah, not ablutions in a linguistic sense i.

It is obligatory to interpret the terminology of shareeah in accordance with the meanings of shareeah.


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