Why do plankton rise as the sunsets

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Correspondence to Stefano Simoncelli. Reprints and Permissions. Effect of temperature on zooplankton vertical migration velocity. Hydrobiologia , — Wrote the paper: HvH TC. Browse Subject Areas? Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Abstract Diel vertical migration DVM is a ubiquitous phenomenon in marine and freshwater plankton communities.

Introduction Diel vertical migration DVM in ocean zooplankton is likely to represent the largest daily migration of animals on earth, in terms of biomass [1]. Download: PPT. Table 1. Results All acoustic observations investigated here showed a seasonal variation, see the example from Figure 1. Overview of relative echo intensity data dI , amount of plankton, and vertical current data w , movement of plankton, from an upward looking ADCP in the sub-tropical Canary Basin at Figure 2.

Figure 3. Figure 5. Figure 6. Discussion The present observations show that DVM of zooplankton in the deep sea follows precise solar variations in day length, across different latitudes and thus matches the sun's latitudinal influx variation. Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: HvH. References 1. Heys GC A review of the adaptive significance and ecosystem consequences of zooplankton diel vertical migrations. Hydrobiol — View Article Google Scholar 2. J Plankt Res — View Article Google Scholar 3.

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Our study has revealed a complexity of polar marine systems that has been poorly acknowledged. First, we have documented the existence of multiple SSL in regions previously believed to be characterized by simple, uniform patterns of DVM e. Second, we document the distinctly different patterns observed across the sites examined Figs 2—5 , indicating that autumn DVM in the Arctic comprises a complex behaviour by a wide variety of planktonic taxa. The different taxa performing DVM are likely to have distinct feeding preferences, migration-depth patterns and faecal pellet properties.

As there appears to be a positive correlation between complexity of hydrography and number of SSLs, any long-term change in Arctic hydrography may effectively lead to marked changes in both behaviours of individual species as well as in overall ecosystem function.

There are examples of on-going changes linked with e. Ultimately, this suggests that while DVM of Arctic zooplankton could have significant implications on retention and export of organic and inorganic compounds through the biological carbon pump on Arctic shelves, a more thorough insight into which species are performing the DVM is needed in order to fully understand their impact. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the CircA project.

The authors are grateful to Gerald Darnis, Laura Hobbs and Joanna Szczucka for comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript. Google Scholar. Google Preview. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search.

Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton. Oxford Academic. Finlo Cottier. Paul E. Stig Falk-Petersen. Sawomir Kwasniewski. Colin Griffiths. Janne E. Geir Johnsen. Anais Aubert. Johanna Hovinen. Signe Jung-Madsen. Martha Tveit. Sanna Majaneva. Corresponding editor Marja Koski. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions.

Abstract Diel vertical migration DVM of zooplankton is a global phenomenon, characteristic of both marine and limnic environments. Depth m. MPS depths m. Open in new tab. Open in new tab Download slide. LSN 0— m. LM 0— m. LSN 0—50 m. LM 0—50 m. Scattering models have been developed for three main types of scatterers Stanton et al. To interpret the measured values of absolute backscatter, the target strength TS, in units of dB of each zooplankton species was calculated based on the randomly oriented fluid bent cylinder model Stanton et al.

Mertensia ovum 0. We then calculate a total estimated backscatter for each net haul, which we term the Sound Image SI.

The SI using Equation 3 is the sum over all theoretical backscatter values for each species at each site and is based on the abundance data from the net hauls presented in Table II.

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