What if sermon

Getting their way. Such a simple reply…forget about all that. Here is your responsibility:. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. You are to be witnesses that testify to the truth of who Jesus is and what he has done. You do that with your neighbors, those you come in contact with regularly, and even to those around the world.

Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go! What are you just standing around for?

He is going to return, implying accountability for those orders. There is a timeframe we are working within. No more mission. Anyone who has not placed trust in Jesus are condemned to a Christ-less eternity. And since there has been such a long time that has passed since Jesus promised his return, we have been lulled into apathy.

TS — Those early followers of Jesus hear this and act on it. About 10 days later there are about Christians gathered together in a room during the Jewish festival called Pentecost. The Holy Spirit falls and empowers these Christians with the evangelistic gift of tongues…the ability to speak in a language they did not know for the purpose of sharing the Gospel across cultural boundaries.

A large crowd gathers to see what is happening. Peter stands up and preaches the first Gospel sermon in history. He preaches on the person and work of Christ. Here is the response:. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

They believed these great truths about Jesus and cry out for how to respond. The right, biblical response to the Gospel…repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Now the church exists. What did it do? How did it live out its mission? Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing, in other words, we can do what you did in the Beginning. With the word faith appearing so many times in scripture, we can clearly see that it is something that God wants us to get a hold of and to use in our daily walk, life and relationship that we have with him!

It's kind of funny, but we can remember life lessons our elders taught us when they thought we weren't listening. You know something that someone told us maybe one time. And in that one time what they told us, affected us and had a great and significant impact on us, our whole life through. I personally, have had people come to me and tell me something that I had said, had affected them in a Greatway, in their life.

And in telling me, I could tell they had never forgotten what was said, even though I could not remember the event ever happening. That's kind of how it is with God. And by that I mean when we get a hold of something that his word tells us and we do it, it is pleasing to him. And it moves him to do things for us when we ask him to do them. Back to the Basics. The Best Christmas Ever. The Always God. The Prince of Peace. Its only when we take ourselves and the word if out of the equation and trust God to do the impossible.

The story concludes with not a question of if, but the fact that David answered and stepped out of if, into faith! Are you willing to do the same? Home Sermons What If? During the first part of the year , we will probe the imagination by asking a series of "What if" questions. Asking "what if" questions assumes that we are not afraid to ask questions and that we are not afraid to probe the imagination.

Accompanying sermons that probe the imagination will be a series of daily challenges. I am praying that you will join together with me in this adventure of discovery. I am praying that you join in with this journey. Resist the temptation to dismiss the imagination with thoughts of self-induced realities i.

Rather, open your hearts and minds to the imagination that God has given you and the church and the imagination of God himself. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.

Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. The plight of churches of Christ throughout the American Restoration Movement has been one marred with debate, division and discord over the interpretation of some biblical passages. Most of the discord flows from good intentions to be accurate in interpretation, but also an unwillingness to wrestle with the tension often offered in scripture. What do we do when that which we want to be clear, isn?

The most consistent practice of the people of God from the beginning until now is the practice of prayer. As we explore the prayer offered by Solomon at the dedication of the temple, we will look at what it means to become a community shaped through prayer. Primary text s : 2 Chronicles ; Deuteronomy ; James ; Acts ; 2 Chronicles ; 2 Chronicles ; 2 Chronicles ; 2 Chronicles She had previously been married, and it was questionable as to whether she God invites us to share his joy when someone who was lost, is found.

Text: Luke Thesis: God invites us to share his joy when someone who was lost, is found. Introduction Have you ever lost something you really treasured… something you would really like to find?

After reading the text for today, I Scripture: Luke An example can be a powerfully driving force, even an ancient example like that of the Thessalonians. Spontaneous Combustion I Thessalonians 1. Many people believe in the theory of Spontaneous Human Combustion. Others say it is merely an urban legend. According to an article from Wikipedia, those who believe that Spontaneous Human Combustion is true describe some of their Scripture: 1 Thessalonians Five Finger Discount gregg barbour.

My brother, and my best friend also worked there. We had some what of a commaradery while we were there, and anytime there was a rejection of authority, we Do they party in heaven? Denomination: Nazarene. I want you to leave everything and go to the land I will show you. Filter Results. Sort By.


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