What follows are general principles:. Pepper spray is reportedly biodegradable, 19 however no literature has been found that identifies the amount of time it takes to biodegrade, and whether this varies by types of surfaces. Personnel who clean environments contaminated with pepper spray, or assist affected individuals, should be provided with appropriate equipment and supplies that protect mucous membranes and skin from contamination.
We would like to thank Tom Kosatsky and Sion Shyng for their valuable input and review of this document. Chemical Agents. Contaminants and Hazards. Acknowledgements References What is pepper spray? What follows are general principles: Since OC is an oily resin, washing surfaces with water and a light detergent not an oil-based cleaner is advisable. Foods that are not protected from airborne contamination should be discarded.
For fruits and vegetables with a peel, or foods that are in packages, no information has been found that describes how these foods can be effectively decontaminated. It is difficult to ensure that all residual contaminant is effectively removed by washing. Further, the degree of contamination may vary depending on distance of the food from discharge, area ventilation, etc.
Therefore, in the absence of evidence that complete decontamination has been achieved, it is advisable to discard food-stuffs that are contaminated by pepper spray discharge, even if covered. How long does OC remain on surfaces, and does duration vary by types of surfaces? Does washing of fruits and vegetables with a peel, and packaged foods, provide adequate decontamination, or should all exposed items be discarded? How should ventilation systems be decontaminated after pepper spray discharge?
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Tom Kosatsky and Sion Shyng for their valuable input and review of this document. Pepper spray and chili peppers. Canada Border Services Agency.
Importing a firearm or weapon into Canada. Archuleta MM. Miller DS. Zoo Biology ; 20 5 : Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science ; The antimicrobial properties of chile peppers Capsicum species and their uses in Mayan medicine.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology ; Fact sheet: facts about riot control agents interim document. Corneal abrasions associated with pepper spray exposure.
American Journal of Emergency Medicine ; Smith J, Greaves I. The use of chemical incapacitant sprays: a review. In addition, a study by Harvard University researchers found that police in the U. This is just one of the serious concerns about systemic racism and racial discrimination within law enforcement. Research has looked into the relative benefits and risks of using pepper spray for crowd control.
A review looked at the health effects of using chemical irritants in this context in 31 studies across 11 countries. While death is rare, reports have linked several deaths with the use of pepper spray. In , a Department of Justice report on an investigation into 63 deaths of people in custody found that pepper spray directly contributed to the deaths of two people.
The police had used pepper spray in the arrest of all the individuals. The report attributed the cause of these deaths to the pepper spray, citing preexisting asthma as a contributing factor. Causes of death for other study subjects were drug use, disease, positional asphyxia, or a combination of factors. Pepper spray is a chemical that law enforcement and civilians are legally allowed to use for defense.
It can be dangerous, and its use is controversial, especially when agents use it against civilian protesters. If chemicals come into contact with the eye, it is essential to flush them out immediately. In this article, we describe how to flush the eyes using…. In this feature, we examine police violence as a public health concern, looking at some of the ways in which it affects the health of Black Americans…. The effects of tear gas on the body include difficulty breathing, burning eyes, and rashes.
Long-term effects may include blindness and respiratory…. Chemical burns can happen to anyone and anywhere, and occur when a person is affected by chemicals or their fumes. They frequently occur due to car…. Asthma is far from a new disease, and people have had different ways of understanding its causes across the course of history. Researchers expect the…. What is pepper spray, and is it dangerous? Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. What is it? Physical effects Complications Treatment Uses Is it lethal?
Summary Pepper spray is an aerosol spray that contains an inflammatory compound called capsaicin. This would most likely be the majority of individuals that you would be forced to use the product on. What is pepper spray? What does it do? A 1-second blast of pepper spray will render an individual incapacitated for 15 minutes to over an hour.
It is not related to the hot peppers or chemicals found in CS tear gas of OC pepper spray. Tear gas vs. It is composed of a white crystal suspended in a delivery medium such as sec-butanol, along with various other chemicals.
Pepper spray DOES affect individuals under the influence, but Mace and tear gas don't Although the original CN formula chemical mace is highly effective against most people, when PCP became a serious problem on the streets, law enforcement personnel discovered that someone who's out of his mind on drugs may not feel the effect of chemical mace enough to be incapacitated.
Similarly, people who are violent and insane may not be stopped by tear gas. Police found that people who were enraged to the point of insanity or people whose bodies had ceased to comprehend pain, such as those on PCP, weren't adequately affected by tear gas. OC pepper spray, however, has proven effective against people on drugs, insanely violent or seemingly impervious to other types of pain.
Pepper spray wears off slower than tear gas; its oily effects create long lasting discomfort, and it's difficult to wash away.