The Reapers are a notable exception to this tendency, though, and, during the first two games, very little is known about how they function. Oddly, this mystery persists into Mass Effect 3. With the amount of Reaper corpses that have been examined across the series, one would imagine that scientists and engineers would begin to have at least some idea as to how these things worked.
But, if so, how and where do they source this Eezo from? Are there supply lines that can be exploited there? From what Vigil tells Shepard at the end of Mass Effect indicate that the annihilation of the Protheans went something like this: the Reapers leaped through the Citadel relay, immediately seizing control and crippling the galactic government.
They then dominated the mass relay network to isolate star systems and finally slowly but surely purged each system of Prothean life across a span of centuries. That's not quite how it goes in Mass Effect 3 , though. The Reapers are unable to pass through the Citadel relay, yes, but they also don't seem to make an effort to seize control of any relays.
In fact, it doesn't seem like they have much of a plan at all. Far from the methodical, systematic extermination described by Vigil, the reapers kind of just meander from system to system, blowing up cities along the way. For two-thirds of Mass Effect 's story, the Reapers are almost akin to gods.
These things are unimaginably powerful machine entities, old beyond comprehension, hellbent on the annihilation of life. It's a scary set-up, one which has made the reapers some of the most memorable RPG antagonists out there, but it begs the question: who built the Reapers?
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan sets out to answer this question. As it turns out, the Reapers were constructed by truly ancient beings called "Leviathans" that were aiming to build an omnipotent Skynet-esque system that would preserve their domination of the galaxy. It's a disappointingly conventional backstory to a villain with as much mystery as the Reapers.
Some capital ships are capable of launching small drones equivalent to fighters. The exterior of the Reapers does follow a similar pattern , an efficient design for the purpose they were created for. However each Reaper is created from a unique species, and as we saw at the end of Mass Effect 2, the core of each Reaper is designed in the likeness of that species. They engage cruisers and other, smaller ships, as well as communications posts and enemy command centers. Research suggests destroyers are created from those species that are not harvested to make capital ships.
Reaper nanites are used in the harvesting of organic species, often deployed through devices such as dragon's teeth to convert organic beings into the mindless, aggressive cyborg husks. Husks are used as ground forces and shock troops by the Reapers, overwhelming their organic enemies and breaking their morale. Occasionally, to bolster husk defenses the Reapers will employ devices known as Barrier Engines that cocoon individual husks in a durable biotic barrier or possess certain husks to improve their combat prowess.
For long-range offensives they usually outfit their husks with integral weaponry, although Reapers have been known to also manufacture handheld weapons like the Reaper Blackstar. Because of the Reapers' technological superiority, the galaxy's factions actively studied or reverse-engineered what they could from them. Reapers had been known to exist for nearly a billion years, judging by findings from the Leviathan of Dis , an ancient Reaper corpse.
Before the Reapers came to be, the galaxy was under the thrall of a race known as Leviathans. They created an "Intelligence" to solve the problem of organics and synthetics killing each other. However, this Intelligence turned on them, slaughtering most of their kind and processing others into the very first true Reaper, Harbinger.
Harbinger's form, that of the Leviathans themselves, became the template for subsequent Reapers harvested from the galaxy's races on cyclical purges over the next millions of years. In order to speed up the time between harvests, the Reapers constructed the mass relay network and the Citadel to coordinate it. Engineered creatures called keepers were placed on the Citadel to maintain the station during their absence and to open it for them when they decide to invade.
Fifty thousand years before the current galactic era, the Reapers initiated a purge against the Protheans , the dominant spacefaring lifeforms at the time. The Protheans tried to resist like so many others before them, only to fail due to the Reapers' physical and insidious might. Not all Protheans perished in the genocide: a cadre of elite scientists hidden on Ilos survived by hunkering down into stasis until the danger had passed. Upon waking, it took them decades of study to realize how their civilization fell to the Reapers, but this discovery gave them the key to breaking the cycle forever.
The Protheans developed a plan to forestall the impending Reaper attack for future generations of sapient, spacefaring species. This plan hinged on the fact that the keepers have independently evolved, and now only respond to signals from the Citadel itself. The Reaper vanguard signals the Citadel which in turn signals the keepers to open the station's own mass relay, ushering in the next Reaper invasion.
However, the Prothean scientists used a reverse-engineered prototype mass relay , travelled to the Citadel, and altered the Citadel signal. The scientists succeeded, but could not do anything about their own population numbers, so they still died out along with the rest of their race. The first living Reaper to be witnessed by any living intelligent being after the Protheans became extinct was designated Sovereign by the organic races.
It is a colossal dreadnought, several times the size of any known vessel — even dwarfing the massive asari flagship, Destiny Ascension.
It was first discovered on the edges of geth space in the Perseus Veil by Edan Had'dah 's survey teams and studied by Dr. Shu Qian. Saren Arterius , using the doctor's notes stolen sometime in CE , eventually finds it for himself. At first, it was presumed to be Saren's flagship by those who encountered it; Sovereign did act as transport for the rogue Spectre and his minions.
However, Commander Shepard later discovers that Sovereign and its brethren are actually the masterminds behind the Prothean genocide. It acts as the Reapers' vanguard and was originally intended to initiate the next harvest of the galaxy.
When Sovereign decided it was time to begin the cycle again, the keepers ignored the order. This greatly complicated matters for Sovereign. In order to unleash its brethren from dark space, it would have to find a way to manually activate the relay from inside the Citadel.
While Reapers are undoubtedly beings of terrible power and ferocity, a single Reaper would not be able to survive the combined might of the assembled Citadel races in a direct assault. At some point Sovereign became aware of the Conduit and swayed a significant number of geth into worshiping it.
It used Saren to comprehend the Conduit's location from Prothean Beacons while putting its geth in a supporting military capacity. Successful in both regards, in CE the Reaper marshals its forces and launches an all-out assault on the Citadel while Saren infiltrates the Citadel through the Conduit.
Fortunately, Saren is stopped by Commander Shepard and company, and Sovereign is destroyed by the Alliance Fleet, though this would only forestall the Reaper invasion for a few years. Shepard knows the Reaper fleet, though dormant and hibernating, is still out in dark space and vows to find some way to stop them. After Commander Shepard's defeat of Saren and Sovereign, the Collectors begin attacking human colonies and abducting their populations.
Cerberus determines that the Reapers are behind this and plans to have Shepard thwart this latest Reaper threat to humanity. Over time, Shepard uncovers disturbing facts regarding the nature of the Reaper connection to the Collectors.
Apparently, because humanity is a race of great genetic diversity and is the race that defeated Sovereign, it is enough to gather the Reapers' attention. It is also revealed that the Collectors were originally Protheans who were captured by the Reapers and genetically repurposed to suit their needs. The Collectors are working under the direct supervision of the Reaper Harbinger , who ordered the Collectors to abduct humans in the Terminus Systems.
The captured humans are taken to the Collector Base and processed into organic matter to construct a new Reaper modeled on the human form. EDI speculates that this is the Reaper equivalent of reproduction. The incomplete Human-Reaper is composed of facsimiles of the skull, arms and ribcage of a human with its lower spine and torso still under construction by the time of its discovery in CE.
EDI concludes that tens of thousands of humans had already been processed. Shepard is able to stop the process and destroy the Human-Reaper. With the Human-Reaper destroyed and the Collectors defeated, the Reapers lose powerful allies. Harbinger and the rest of the Reapers, who have already been on the move since the destruction of Sovereign, are shown approaching the Milky Way , setting the stage for the Reaper War.
As the Reaper fleet draws closer towards the galaxy, Dr. Amanda Kenson and her team of Alliance researchers discover a Reaper artifact showing them visions of the Reapers' plan: to rapidly invade throughout the entire Milky Way by using a special mass relay with access to the entire network. This "Alpha Relay" was located in the Bahak System within batarian space near the galaxy's edge. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
User Info: DrBaus. User Info: RetroMetroid. Only the core of the Reaper ship resembles the species it was made from. Perhaps the originators of the Reaper design were giant sentient cuttlefish, or something.
Or Floormasters from Legend of Zelda. User Info: SetsunaFS. Makes tentacle rape easier. Yes, this is my sig. User Info: TheLichLord. Cthulhu refrence. Seriously, the great ancient utterly alien unknowable all consuming evil from beyond the fringes of reality?
The reapers themselves are a Cthulhu refrence. Basically it boils down to my lack of faith in humanity. You assume he's a troll.