Is it normal to listen to a song over and over

What's more, once a song really resonated with participants, 60 percent weren't ashamed to reveal they'd immediately re-listen up to four times in a row. It sounds like a lot, because it is. Now it makes a bit more sense why, even in a very happy relationship, you might enjoy listening to breakup songs. So you see, it's by no means abnormal to listen to the same stuff over and over again — even if it's a sappy breakup song.

The caudate nucleus in the brain anticipates the build-up of our favourite part of a song as we listen, while the nucleus accumbens is triggered by the peak causing the release of endorphins.

It is believed that the more we get to know a piece of music, the less fired-up our brains will be in anticipating this peak. This is partly down to the music itself, explains Dr Michael Bonshor of the University of Sheffield who is an expert in the psychology of music.

Experiments have demonstrated that appreciation decreases once the novelty of a piece of music has worn off, and that we often become bored with a song that has become over familiar. The other key factor is how complex a song is. The more there is going on in a song the more likely it is to fire off the right signals in our brains. Evidence shows the more complex the stimuli in a song the more likely a person will like it with time, while the opposite is the case for simple stimuli, says Dr Bonshor.

At six minutes long, it initially took many listeners by surprise and, as a progressive rock suite, had a ground-breaking approach which did not follow the prevalent musical norms of the time. This may be because although they are immediately accessible, they are more predictable and less satisfying on many levels.

I found it very interesting that you say the reason people can listen to the same song over and over is because of the beat and rhythm of the song. This makes sense because, for my dad, his favorite songs are always catchy and make you want to get up and dance due to the rhythm and strong beat. Like this: Like Loading By Christian Jarrett.

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